Monday, May 7, 2018

Juvia's Place "Zulu" Eyeshadow Palette

I’ve always loved colorful things…clothes, hair, conversation! Color makes the world so exciting at least in my book. Amazingly, I never dabbled in colorful  Makeup (excluding my baby blue eyeshadow fiasco when I was in Jr. High) until I was going for my Artistry Certification. While over the years I envied women who dared to go bold with their eye shadows and lipstick colors, I wasn’t sure if it was “me” or if it would look right. When I discovered Juvia’s Place while scrolling  through my feed, it was their colors that made me go ‘Wow, that’s beautiful” and seeing those colors used on the various women who posted that those were Juvia’s Place palettes they were wearing, that I became convinced that I, too, could make it work. And am I glad I did!

In less than a year, I have purchased 6 of the now 10 eyeshadow palettes they have created….and I love every single one of them! This latest purchase is the “Zulu” palette and it is amazing! I swear when I opened the cover to the palette, I heard a choir sing, birds chirp and a bright light shine down from above! Even as tired as I was from a long day, I could not resist swiping my fingers across those colors to do some quick swatching. Juvia’s Place is consistent in the formula & extreme pigmentation they have in every single palette I have, which keeps me coming back for more & my never ending raving about them.

As the pictures above show, I swatched and took a photo with the flash & without the flash and those colors POP no matter what lighting. Stay tuned for some looks I create with this palette…as if I really need an excuse to play with Makeup J

Slay Away, Queens!

#colormebeautimous #juviasplace #zulupalette #pigmentedeyeshadow

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