Monday, April 30, 2018

All That Glitters Is Not Good

If you are anything like me, seeing shiny, pretty, sparkly glitter instantly catches my matter where I see it or what it's on. I'm not just talking about in Makeup products...I'm talking about EVERYWHERE from on clothing, to greeting cards to food! But some people don't realize that all glitters are not the same and if you want to apply glitter to a Makeup application, proceed with caution.

I have recently seen some videos/tutorials with some ladies creating a Makeup look using glitter. In one particular video, the young lady was demonstrating how to use glitter on her eyes. I was shocked (borderline horrified) when she held up this big bag of glitter that looked to have weighed at least a half a pound. It wasn't the size of the bag that had me gasping. It was WHERE she said she picked up this bag...from the craft store!

First & foremost, craft store glitter is NOT to be used on any Makeup application mainly for health reasons. Cosmetic glitter is make specifically to use on your face & lips. It is made often times out of a special plastic that is non-toxic and much finer in consistency than craft glitter. With craft glitter, some of them are actually made of metal and sometimes glass! So whose reasons alone are enough for me to say "I'll pass!". I know personally that even when I get an eyelash in my eye, its torture so the thought of a speck of craft glitter getting in my eyes scares the living daylights out of me.

While I understand, sometimes Makeup and Cosmetic glitter can be pricey, especially if you are on a budget, I'm adamant about safety AND quality first. So please, even as tempting as it can be to consider craft glitter, DO NOT DO IT!

#colormebeautimous #glitter #makeupartist #cosmeticglitter


  1. So true Steph! I'm all about the glitter, but even some cosmetic glitter is unsafe for the eye area. We should always read the descriptions and make sure that glitter is safe for our eyes. Great post!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! And yes, you are absolutely right about always read the descriptions on any cosmetic glitter. Always better to be safe than sorry....even when we want to just look cute ;-)
