Monday, April 30, 2018

All That Glitters Is Not Good

If you are anything like me, seeing shiny, pretty, sparkly glitter instantly catches my matter where I see it or what it's on. I'm not just talking about in Makeup products...I'm talking about EVERYWHERE from on clothing, to greeting cards to food! But some people don't realize that all glitters are not the same and if you want to apply glitter to a Makeup application, proceed with caution.

I have recently seen some videos/tutorials with some ladies creating a Makeup look using glitter. In one particular video, the young lady was demonstrating how to use glitter on her eyes. I was shocked (borderline horrified) when she held up this big bag of glitter that looked to have weighed at least a half a pound. It wasn't the size of the bag that had me gasping. It was WHERE she said she picked up this bag...from the craft store!

First & foremost, craft store glitter is NOT to be used on any Makeup application mainly for health reasons. Cosmetic glitter is make specifically to use on your face & lips. It is made often times out of a special plastic that is non-toxic and much finer in consistency than craft glitter. With craft glitter, some of them are actually made of metal and sometimes glass! So whose reasons alone are enough for me to say "I'll pass!". I know personally that even when I get an eyelash in my eye, its torture so the thought of a speck of craft glitter getting in my eyes scares the living daylights out of me.

While I understand, sometimes Makeup and Cosmetic glitter can be pricey, especially if you are on a budget, I'm adamant about safety AND quality first. So please, even as tempting as it can be to consider craft glitter, DO NOT DO IT!

#colormebeautimous #glitter #makeupartist #cosmeticglitter

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Slay to the Music: Kendrick Lamar & SZA - "All The Stars"

Everybody loves music. It is a powerful medium that can evoke memories, emotion and set a tone or mood. I don't know of anyone with a creative mind or spirit that doesn't enjoy a good "soundtrack" playing while they are in their zone and Makeup Artists are no exception. Hearing a good song has actually sparked a creative idea or two while I am in slay feel good. When I have done Makeup on others and I have some music on, I keep their musical likes in mind as this is a way I make them feel comfortable, enjoy the experience and just have fun.

I will be posting weekly some of my favorite songs to slay to...songs that get me hyped up and excited. This week's pick is a song I fell in love with the moment I heard it! I was excited for months to see the movie "Black Panther" this past February. Saw it opening weekend (two times!) and during the end credits, this amazing song with a great beat starts bumping through the IMAX sound system then I hear the voices of Kendrick Lamar & SZA and I'm scrambling to find my phone in the dark so I can SHAZAM it! I've been in love ever since and this is my "pick me up" song when I'm needing a mental boost. Hope you enjoy as well.

Kendrick Lamar & SZA - "All The Stars"
from the "Black Panther" motion picture soundtrack

#colormebeautimous #allthestars #kendricklamar #sza #musictoslayto #blackpanthermovie #blackpanther #slaytothemusic

Color Me Beautimous Brand Recommendation: Juvia's Place

After purchasing THREE eye shadow palette’s in a span of about 3 weeks, I can confidently say Juvia's Place is something special! Pigmented eye shadows that will leave you gasping in amazement, smooth application & little to NO fallout, this brand is a winner! Did I forget to mention fast & prompt order processing and delivery?!?

Juvia’s Place also sells makeup brushes, blushes, contour palettes.....

Color Me Beautimous gives this amazing brand a 5 out of 5 CMB Lotus rating! Looking forward to what more Juvia’s Place will bring us in 2018

#colormebeautimous #brandrecommendation #juviasplace #cosmeticreview #brandreview #makeup #eyeshadow #melanin #pigmentedeyeshadow #makeupartist #makeupislife #beautyrecommendation

CMB Beauty Rules: "Sis, please tie back your hair!"

I LOVE an awesome makeup slay whether it's just a photo or a video clip. In reality, who doesn't? But truth be told, a quick turn off for me when it comes to a video beat is when I see an artist doing a Makeup tutorial or a LIVE video and they haven't tied back their hair! My self diagnosed OCD kicks in big time and I just want to reach into the video and move that hair that is all in the way! For me, no matter how nice the process is looking, I will actually not continue to watch. Unfortunately, I have seen quite a few artists violate this seemingly obvious rule of "no obstructions".

What confuses me, is that almost 99.9% of the time, those that don't tie or clip their hair back while there is a slay in progress, are actually having to keep moving their hair from out of their face, etc.. I once watched a clip where the artist didn't pull her hair back. I watched the video in its entirety, even though I found myself more focused on that section of hair that kept dancing on the right side of her face than what she was doing TO her face! I happened across another video by the same young lady, hoping & praying that the first video I saw was just a fluke but nope! Sis, is a habitual offender.

I'm all about lifting up my Slay Sisters and showing support & love so this tidbit comes with no shade what-so-ever....I just want you to win, Sis! It's the little details like that, that can make or break a video! 

What's Old, Is New Again

Sometimes what’s old is new again! When I was in Junior High & High School Noxema cleansing cream was the only thing I used to clean my face....never had a blemish & my face was soft & smooth. Decided to give it a try again & I’m so glad I did! Keeping it simple for my cleansing routine, wash with Noxema, tone with Witch Hazel & moisturize with Aloe Vera Gel in the morning & at night. Using the NOXEMA as a mask & just leave it on overnight. You will see & feel a difference in the morning!

#colormebeautimous #melanin #makeupislife #makeupartist #noxema #witchhazel #cleanskin #skincareroutine #cleasingcream