Wednesday, April 25, 2018

CMB Beauty Rules: "Sis, please tie back your hair!"

I LOVE an awesome makeup slay whether it's just a photo or a video clip. In reality, who doesn't? But truth be told, a quick turn off for me when it comes to a video beat is when I see an artist doing a Makeup tutorial or a LIVE video and they haven't tied back their hair! My self diagnosed OCD kicks in big time and I just want to reach into the video and move that hair that is all in the way! For me, no matter how nice the process is looking, I will actually not continue to watch. Unfortunately, I have seen quite a few artists violate this seemingly obvious rule of "no obstructions".

What confuses me, is that almost 99.9% of the time, those that don't tie or clip their hair back while there is a slay in progress, are actually having to keep moving their hair from out of their face, etc.. I once watched a clip where the artist didn't pull her hair back. I watched the video in its entirety, even though I found myself more focused on that section of hair that kept dancing on the right side of her face than what she was doing TO her face! I happened across another video by the same young lady, hoping & praying that the first video I saw was just a fluke but nope! Sis, is a habitual offender.

I'm all about lifting up my Slay Sisters and showing support & love so this tidbit comes with no shade what-so-ever....I just want you to win, Sis! It's the little details like that, that can make or break a video! 

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