Friday, June 29, 2018

Beautiful Skin From the Inside Out

Clear skin & a great complexion is something we all want no matter what age we are. For lovers of Makeup, the desire for flawless skin with or without wearing makeup can be a bit more of a challenge for some. Factors such as the variations of Makeup formulas &  ingredients play a part in how skin might be affected. Everybody’s skin is not the same & while one Makeup product might work amazing on one person, it might not work so well for another. I know I’ve personally used a Makeup product for several weeks or months with no issue then suddenly my skin is not havin’ it! Things like stress, weather changes, hormone fluctuation can attribute to the havoc but there is another factor that can play a part - - what you eat or drink!

Being mindful of not only what you put on your skin & intake in your body is a good habit to get into. Here are a few food items to look into for you to maintain a healthy complexion:

       Salmon or Tuna
Oily fish such as Salmon & Tuna are great because they are high in fatty acids & provides the body with Biotin, a B vitamin that is great for hair, nails & skin. Omega-3 fatty acids

·         Almonds
Loaded with Vitamin E, this fat soluble nut actually protects our skin from oxidative stress & UV damage. Good for the skin & a great snack

·         Eggs
High in protein, eggs contain amino acids, iron & Vitamin D, important components to encourage healthy skin cell growth

·         Berries
Strawberries (my favorite!), raspberries, blueberries even cranberries are packed with antioxidants which are anti-inflammatories that aid the body to heal itself and can do wonders for the skin

·         Green Tea
Not only is Green Tea tasty, who knew it is really good for your skin? Another great source of antioxidants that help to fight free-radicals  and has anti-inflammatory properties. Green Tea is also great for improving the elasticity of the skin & is said to decrease hormonal activity

While this short list is far from complete of all the food products out there to keep your skin looking it’s best, hopefully it is a start in the right direction for you to look into. SLAY AWAY….from the inside out 

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