Friday, June 29, 2018

Beautiful Skin From the Inside Out

Clear skin & a great complexion is something we all want no matter what age we are. For lovers of Makeup, the desire for flawless skin with or without wearing makeup can be a bit more of a challenge for some. Factors such as the variations of Makeup formulas &  ingredients play a part in how skin might be affected. Everybody’s skin is not the same & while one Makeup product might work amazing on one person, it might not work so well for another. I know I’ve personally used a Makeup product for several weeks or months with no issue then suddenly my skin is not havin’ it! Things like stress, weather changes, hormone fluctuation can attribute to the havoc but there is another factor that can play a part - - what you eat or drink!

Being mindful of not only what you put on your skin & intake in your body is a good habit to get into. Here are a few food items to look into for you to maintain a healthy complexion:

       Salmon or Tuna
Oily fish such as Salmon & Tuna are great because they are high in fatty acids & provides the body with Biotin, a B vitamin that is great for hair, nails & skin. Omega-3 fatty acids

·         Almonds
Loaded with Vitamin E, this fat soluble nut actually protects our skin from oxidative stress & UV damage. Good for the skin & a great snack

·         Eggs
High in protein, eggs contain amino acids, iron & Vitamin D, important components to encourage healthy skin cell growth

·         Berries
Strawberries (my favorite!), raspberries, blueberries even cranberries are packed with antioxidants which are anti-inflammatories that aid the body to heal itself and can do wonders for the skin

·         Green Tea
Not only is Green Tea tasty, who knew it is really good for your skin? Another great source of antioxidants that help to fight free-radicals  and has anti-inflammatory properties. Green Tea is also great for improving the elasticity of the skin & is said to decrease hormonal activity

While this short list is far from complete of all the food products out there to keep your skin looking it’s best, hopefully it is a start in the right direction for you to look into. SLAY AWAY….from the inside out 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Featured MUA: JANET LUCKY aka "Tenaj"

Janet Lucky - Makeup Artist
Many people don't realize that Makeup Artistry is not as easy as it may look. It is not just about a swipe of color here, a dab of a powder here and a few strokes of a brush on the cheeks and that's it. It sincerely is an art form. You have to be mindful of color combinations that go together, textures that mix well and having an "eye" for creative. Just like with traditional artists with paints & pencils, a Makeup Artist's canvas is the FACE.

This week, featured MUA is Ms. JANET LUCKY, aka "Tenaj" on IG. Amazingly, Janet is a self-taught Makeup Artist and she SLAYS! I discovered Janet on Instagram, awestruck by the pictures she posted. It was the beautiful and detailed work she did on her eyebrows and eyes that wow'd me and I became an instant fan. Check out the Q&A below to learn more about Janet

Stephanie/Color Me Beautimous: How long have you been doing Makeup?

Janet Lucky: I have been doing makeup for over 3 years. I discovered makeup about 10 years ago when I thought I truly knew how to apply it when in actuality there was more to applying than I thought. I would practice on myself until I felt that it looked better.

CMB: When did you discover makeup & that you had a “gift”?

Janet Lucky: The more I practiced the better I became. I then began to experiment with different colors because I only used one color eye shadow and a highlighter for quite some time, you could say I was not comfortable going outside my comfort zone of using one color at a time. But once I started using two colors for eye shadow it was a wrap.

CMB: Do you have a signature look you like to do/create

Janet Lucky:  I do not have a signature look that I like to create because I always try to create something different every time I share a look on my Instagram page. I do like to use bright colors that will stand out or glitter to make the eyes pop because I enjoy applying color or glitter that will get attention.

CMB: What color palette do you tend to gravitate towards & why?

Janet Lucky: One of the color palettes that I tend to gravitate towards the most is the Morphe Brushes "35B" palette and the BH Cosmetics "Take Me To Brazil" palette. The colors in these palettes are so rich and pigmented that you can create many looks just with those two palettes alone.

CMB: Current favorite Makeup trend?

Janet Lucky: A makeup trend that is my favorite would be the cut crease and glitter liner. With a perfect cut crease you can add your favorite foil, highlight, glitter, or create an ombre look with different colors. Using glitter for a liner also stands out especially the fine glitter which tends to sparkle more when exposed to light.

CMB: Influences & inspiration?

Janet Lucky: There is so much talent in the makeup industry today but there is always going to be someone that has that thing, that gift that stands out most among the other mua's. I remember getting online and coming across this ladies makeup video and thought I want to be like her one day. Her name is Esther Gbudje (Houseofsienna). She is my biggest inspiration and the best at what she does with a contagious smile. There are others like Laurasia Andrea whom is very talented as well and I am inspired by her work.

CMB: Do you think social media has been a benefit or detriment for Makeup Artists? And why for either?

Janet Lucky: Social media has been such a benefit for makeup artist because it has allowed for us to show our work through pictures or videos not only locally but all over the world. If it was not for social media most makeup artists would not have as many supporters or sponsors. The makeup industry is thriving more than ever and with social media artists are able to show their work through live feed and also give tutorials, at the same time we are able to advertise our work for others to see which is a way to not only gain supporters but also customers and this is why makeup artistry has become so popular in recent years.

CMB: What do you love most about Makeup?

Janet Lucky: There are no rules to applying makeup and now you can pick up your brush and create what you want to without being told this is wrong or that is wrong. You can be your own kind of beautiful and that is what I enjoy most. I enjoy everything about applying makeup and looking at the end result saying "wow I look beautiful".

CMB: What 1 Makeup item/product is your must-have?

Janet Lucky: I guess you can say once I have enhanced my look with makeup I am happy with the outcome. However, the one makeup product that I must have is foundation. I chose foundation because you really will not need for any other makeup products once you apply the right foundation, just apply and you’re ready to go.

CMB: What is your skincare routine?

Janet Lucky: I do not wear makeup every day but keeping your skin healthy is a must. Not only do we have to worry about the weather and summer heat (especially in Florida), we all want to have younger, healthy looking and glowing skin. I use vitamin E oil on my face daily after I shower. I also use Garnier Moisture Bomb sheet masks to hydrate my skin.

CMB: If anything, what would you change about the beauty/Makeup industry?

Janet Lucky:  I do not think at this moment that I would change anything about the beauty industry because beauty sells.

CMB: What has been your least favorite Makeup trend?

Janet Lucky:  One of my least favorite makeup trends has been feather brows and lip gloss on the eyelid. I just could not see myself trying either of these trends but as I stated earlier there are no rules to makeup and it only takes one person to try something and you never know who is going to like it so I say go for it.

CMB: Must-do Makeup tip for the everyday woman?

Janet Lucky: A must do makeup tip for the everyday woman is to moisturize your face and skin  daily whether you wear makeup or not. The skin tends to dry out and just as plants needs water to survive we need to keep our skin hydrated for a natural glow.

CMB: What advice would you give an up & coming MUA or someone thinking
about a career as an MUA?

Janet Lucky: For the up & coming makeup artist or someone that is thinking about a career as a MUA, the advice that I have for you is to not give up on your dreams. If makeup is your passion and this is something that you are serious about doing then dedicate yourself to it. It is not always going to be easy but what profession ever is. There is going to be good days and bad days and criticism about your work. Do not always take criticism as a negative. It is criticism where we learn from our mistakes or learn to improve our talent. Practice your skills as often as you can and learn how to apply makeup so that you can improve and obtain your own sense of style. Every makeup artist has their own signature look and once you get the skills you need to become a MUA you will have your own signature style too.

CMB: Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Janet Lucky:  In five years from now I see myself in my own makeup business as makeup artist and my own brand of eyelashes. This is something that I am currently working on and hope to obtain within that time frame. Every successful business started out as a dream and a vision.
You can follow Janet aka Tenaj on Instagram at

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Slay to the Music: TROOP "Around"

R&B singing group, TROOP, first hit the national music scene in 1988 and have been a favorite of mine since day one. As a 19 year old back then, I was crushing on them like crazy because of of their looks, their fashion style, amazing & energetic dancing and of course those vocals! I remember every time I knew they were going to be appearing on TV, I was ready & watching. Even their small but very memorable  scene of them singing A cappella on the corner in the 1991 movie "New Jack City" plays in my head every time I think of the movie. Their medley of "For the Love of Money" / "Living for the City" with LeVert in the film (and the jammin version that included Queen Latifah on the soundtrack) is a classic.
TROOP has always been one of those groups that people loved but they never seemed to get the full recognition they deserved. Lifelong fans have continued to support them over the years, as the group continues to perform, tour & make music together as a unit & individually.

As with many groups, sometimes the dynamics of the original crew changes or modifies and the guys in were no exception. In 1994, a downsized version of the group released their 4th album entitled, "A Lil' Sumpin' Sumpin'". Even with the group at that time down to a trio, it was still a signature TROOP sounding project thanks to the lead vocals of Steven Russell Harts & Allen McNeil. My favorite song on that album is a mid-tempo song called "Around". I LOVE doin makeup to this song....even though I seem to dance more to it than SLAYING :)

TROOP - "Around"

Make sure to follow some of the fellas on Social Media & show them some love:
Steven Russell Harts (on IG)
Allen McNeil (on IG)
John "Jon Jon" Harreld (on IG)
Rodney Benford (Facebook)
TROOP (Facebook)