Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Featured MUA: DEBBY FALKE aka "Openbeauty1"

Debby Falke - Certified Makeup Artist
Makeup Artistry has evolved as with any industry over the years. The mark of an amazing MUA is the ability to be versatile, in tune with current trends and pure creativity! I will be showcasing Makeup Artists that are making waves & slaying faces from across the globe.

While on Instagram last year, I stumbled across a Makeup Artist who's Makeup posts made my jaw drop. It was if she couldn't take a bad picture even if she tried. Her Makeup skills were flawless and she was able to rock any color she used. Without hesitation, I started following her. I was even further impressed when I caught her doing a LIVE tutorial one morning on Instagram...at 6am Pacific standard time. My initial thought was "WOW! She's slaying early!" until it became clear that she lives in the UK so it was 2pm where she's at. Nonetheless, seeing the early morning tutorials truly started my day off right & had me anxious to catch her LIVE time & time again.


The amazingly talented, beautiful (she looks like she could be a model!), humble and incredibly sweet, is Ms. Debby Falke also knows as "Openbeauty1". The Nigerian born Makeup Artist is steady gaining followers and getting recognized for her amazing looks by some of the most influential & successful beauty brands. Debby graciously allowed me to ask her some questions. Check out what she had to share below:

Stephanie/Color Me Beautimous:  How long have you been doing Makeup?

Debby Falke:  I have been doing makeup for 10years

CMB: When did you discover makeup & that you had a “gift”?
DF:  I discovered makeup at the age of 14 and knew I had a gift when I was 18. I love to create, I like the idea of looking good though my culture will not permit a girl of that age to apply makeup I still will go into my closet and try on different shades of lipstick and eyeshadow. I could look at women and think if only she can add some pink blush on her cheek her face will brighten up but didn't have the opportunity then to practice my gift due to cultural restrictions
CMB: Do you have a signature look you like to do/create
DF: Yes my signature look is a brown Smokeyeyes because it will flatter every skin tone
CMB: What color palette do you tend to gravitate towards & why?
DF: Neutral and warm palette because my makeup is for the every day women and the colours are not too over powering
CMB: Current favorite Makeup trend?
DF: Highlighter and Matte lipstick
CMB: Influences & inspiration?
DF: Vogue magazine most of my tutors work have been featured on it. I love how Soft and Beautiful the makeup are and I hope one day I will pick a copy and see my work in there. That magazine influences me a lot and I love Charlotte Tilbury she is one of my biggest inspiration.
CMB: Do you think social media has been a benefit or detriment for Makeup Artists? And why for either

DF: . I think social media is a benefit to makeup artist. My work has been featured on different pages on Instagram and I could not have achieved that without the help of social media

CMB: What do you love most about Makeup?

DF: How it can transform anyone
CMB: What 1 Makeup item/product is your must-have?
DF: It has to be my mascara
CMB: Why do you think Makeup Artistry has become so popular online in recent years?
DF: I think the beauty industry is growing so fast, with the help of social media platforms and influencer such as Hudabeauty, makeup has gain a wider audience around the globe.
CMB: What is your skincare routine?

DF: My skincare routine varies, I use the Foreo anti-aging system which helps to give the skin a beautiful glow I also tend to use a lot of vitamin C serum and moisturize the skin twice a day

CMB: If anything, what would you change about the beauty/Makeup industry?

DF: There is still no unity in this industry, it's a shame that we don't support and encourage up and coming artists. So for me that is still a down side to the industry. I am looking to build a platform where we can support and uplift each other.

CMB: What has been your least favorite Makeup trend?
DF: I dislike this silly snake eyebrow trend
CMB: Must-do Makeup tip for the everyday woman?
DF: Get your foundation right that's all you need.
CMB: What advice would you give an up & coming Makeup Artist or someone thinking about a career as an MUA?

DF: My advice is, be unique and know the reason why you chose that profession. Be creative and look for a niche for yourself. Don't bow under pressure as they will come. Work hard and never give up in the face of opposition and you will succeed.

CMB: Where do you see yourself 5 years from now.

DF: Five years from now by the grace of God I see myself become a brand and having my own makeup line.


You can follow Debby aka Openbeauty1 on Instagram at www.instagram.com/openbeauty1 & subscribe to her YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/Openbeauty1

Check out one of Debby's favorite YouTube videos, an EyebrowTutorial for Beginners